Academic catalog, course list and calendar

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Academic course list and block schedule

Academic calendar

AMBS Academic Catalog

The AMBS Academic Catalog for 2024–25 is available as a PDF file. View the AMBS Academic Catalog (PDF). 

If you download the document and open it from within Adobe Acrobat Reader, you’ll see bookmarks that will help you quickly locate the following information. Using the search feature can also help you quickly find all references to a particular topic.

  • Academic programs and plans of study
  • Course descriptions
  • Admissions and financial aid
  • Academic policies and procedures
  • Tuition and fees
  • Faculty, staff and administration
  • Academic partnerships
  • Academic calendar overview and general AMBS info
  • Indices by course name and course ID

Want to explore seminary study?

At AMBS, students may take up to two courses for credit without having been admitted to one of our degree or certificate programs, with a limit of one course per term. If you are not an admitted student at AMBS and are not enrolled at another seminary, college or university, your first three credit hours at AMBS are 50% off regular tuition rates. (Grebel and CMU students, see this exception.)

Ready to register for a course as a guest?

If you are not yet an admitted student at AMBS and are not enrolled at another seminary, college, or university, please register as a guest student. If you are enrolled at one of our partnership schools, learn more about registering through our partnerships. If you’re an AMBS graduate, register at the graduate audit rate.

Questions? Contact the Registrar’s Office.

Auditing courses

Campus or blended courses that are open to auditors are designated either with “Open to auditors” or “Auditors: consult with instructor.” See FAQ: Auditing courses.

Other academic information

Looking for more information about academics at AMBS? Visit our Academics page.

Schedule of offerings

  • AMBS reserves the right to cancel a course for which enrollment is insufficient or faculty is unavailable. Courses are also subject to change.
  • Note the key in the course list and block schedule which indicates courses with prerequisites, Peace & Justice courses, and also some information regarding the format the course is offered in such as “synchronous” or “blended” and so on.
  • Each spring an announcement is made of courses to be offered the following academic year. The AMBS Catalog contains a full list of courses in the current rotation.
  • Course information, including advanced reading assignments are posted on Moodle, the online course management system, by the dates indicated in the Academic Calendar.


For a three-credit-hour course, students are expected to spend a minimum of 10 hours each week in activities related to the course, or a total of 140 hours for the duration of the course. This includes time spent in class sessions, as well as time reading and completing assigned work. For two- and one-credit- hour courses, the expectation is adjusted proportionally. These expectations are the same for all courses regardless of their delivery format — campus, blended, hybrid or online.