Anabaptist Prayer Book
Take Our Moments and Our Days:
An Anabaptist Prayer Book

We invite you to share in a form of prayer that originated in the earliest Christian times and has continued through the centuries.
The distinctive Anabaptist flavor of this collection of daily prayers is evident in the predominance of Jesus’ voice, the space for communal reflection on scripture, and the specific choices of Bible readings. We offer these services in the hope that you will find in them a way of prayer through which the voice of Jesus will pervade your whole day.
Two volumes for the church year
Volume I: Take Our Moments and Our Days for Ordinary Time

Volume I of Take Our Moments and Our Days is designed for Ordinary Time with a four-week cycle of morning and evening prayers. These draw on the Lord’s Prayer, the Beatitudes, parables and miracles.
Compiled by: Barbara Nelson Gingerich, Eleanor Kreider, John D Rempel, Mary H Schertz. By author: Arthur Paul Boers
Hardback: $24.99
Books and Nook: $14.99
Kindle: $14.99
Volume II: Take Our Moments and Our Days for Advent through Pentecost

Volume II of Take Our moments and Our Days includes morning and evening prayers for the seasons of Advent. Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Easter and Pentecost
Compiled by: Barbara Nelson Gingerich, Eleanor Kreider, John D Rempel, Mary H Schertz. By author: Arthur Paul Boers
Hardback: $34.99
Books and Nook: $20.99
Kindle: $20.99
Using the Anabaptist Prayer Book
Each volume has helpful information in the Preface, Introduction and Notes on the importance of daily prayer, how to pray with others, how these prayer services are organized and ways to use these services in different settings. Please read these beginning sections of the volumes as you begin exploring Take Our Moments and Our Days. Rights reserved. Do not copy and/or distribute the prayer book content for sale or profit.
Anabaptist Prayer App — Free download

Our free Anabaptist Prayer App makes Take Our Moments and Our Days prayers for Ordinary Time and Advent through Pentecost available to and users in an easy-to-navigate format, as close at hand as your digital device. Features include navigation to a recommended service for the date and time of day, tracking to keep your place in the sequence of services, an ability to call up particular services, introductory materials and extensive indices that enable searches for particular texts. You can also select preferred versions of repeated elements (Glory, canticles, the Lord’s Prayer), which are then embedded in the service you are praying.
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