New book releases

The Institute for Mennonite Studies publishes books on a range of topics related to Anabaptist history, theology, biblical studies, and more. Below are some of our new book releases. For ordering information, click the hyperlink to read more about the book. For other recent IMS and AMBS publications, see our annual bibliography Celebration.

Recent book releases

Mennonite Peace Theology: A Panorama of Types

Cover of book: Mennonite Peace Theology: A Panorama of Types

The IMS publication of Mennonite Peace Theology: A Panorama of Types is an updated edition of the classic 1991 publication by Mennonite Central Committee in which Mennonite scholars and church leaders were invited to analyze ten unique approaches to Mennonite peace theology: historic nonresistance, culturally engaged pacifism, social responsibility, apolitical nonresistance, the pacifism of the messianic community, radical pacifism, realist pacifism, Canadian pacifism, liberation pacifism, and neo-sectarian pacifism. Mennonite Peace Theology continues to challenge readers to discern how to live out the gospel of peace both faithfully and effectively in their respective contexts. This second edition includes a new type, shalom political theology, by theologian Malinda Elizabeth Berry and a new preface by MCC director of planning and learning, Alain Epp Weaver.

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Proclaiming the Good News: Mennonite Women’s Voices, 1972–2006 

Proclaiming the Good News

The chapters in Proclaiming the Good News are shaped by voices of women who exercised leadership in an Anabaptist denomination during this period. Some are scholars; others are pastors; still others are leaders in publication, education, and administration. An appendix lists over three hundred Mennonite women ordained during the years covered in the book. Together, these voices tell the story of Mennonite women who invested their gifts and talents in Mennonite congregations and institutions. In addition to recounting personal experiences, the book engages survey data (from 1972, 1989, and 2006) to document changes in attitudes and practices over the decades.

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Resistance: Confronting Violence, Power, and Abuse within Peace Churches

Book cover, spine and back for Resistance

If it’s not safe in the church, where is it safe? Are churches complicit in supporting racism, colonialism, and heterosexism? How do churches excuse sexual violence? How are abuses of power justified to protect church institutions?

In Resistance, storytellers, academics, poets, administrators, students, activists, and pastors bring these questions to life through stories of personal and systemic violence and betrayals when theology is weaponized. Each story is connected to the Anabaptist religious context, but the harms suffered and responses to those harms are universally applicable. This collection directly confronts violence within historic peace churches, providing strategies for using power to resist violence and promote transformation.

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Hardship, Resistance, Collaboration: Essays on Dutch Mennonites during World War II and Its Aftermath

“This collection of essays makes a valuable contribution to our understanding of the history of Dutch Mennonites and their congregations during the Second World War and beyond. Through its thoughtful analysis of this difficult period, the authors demonstrate the multitude of responses, including resistance and collaboration, of this small Christian community.”

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Book cover of Hardship, Resistance, Collaboration