Planned giving and wills
Be a part of the future of AMBS
The AMBS Development Team is here to help you develop a charitable giving plan that best meets your goals and supports AMBS.
When it comes to making an impact through AMBS now and in the future, you can choose from many giving options in addition to writing a check.
Your charitable giving plan can include cash gifts by check or credit card, bequests, retirement plans, stocks, real estate, life insurance policies, Donor Advised Funds (DAFs), and so much more!
Help us plan for a sustainable future
By giving a planned gift, you can continue to support the sustainability of AMBS for generations.
Sustainability: The three-fold commitment
Contributions through planned giving support AMBS’s three-fold commitment to sustainability.
Financial sustainability
- Innovative teaching and scholarship by our faculty
- Extensive print and digital library resources
- Facilities and technology that enhance learning
- Generous need-based financial aid
Spiritual sustainability
- Worship that integrates faith and academic formation
- Programs that develop spiritually mature leaders
- Globally connected learning community
- Inspiring Pastors & Leaders conferences
Environmental sustainability
- Green library and two solar arrays
- Acclaimed Rooted and Grounded conferences
- Six acres of restored native prairie grasses
- Student-run community garden
Develop your charitable giving plan with any of the following tools:
- Wills and bequests: Designate a bequest to AMBS in your will.
- Stocks: Give marketable securities (stocks, etc.) to receive a charitable income tax deduction for the full market value without capital gains taxes (certain limitations apply).
- Donor advised funds (DAFs): Donor advised funds provide you a tremendous sense of control and flexibility to make giving decisions at a time that is convenient for you.
- Real estate: Give real estate including land, buildings or other property. You can make an outright gift, bypassing capital gains and estate taxes, or you can retain a life interest in the property while still obtaining a charitable income tax deduction and estate tax savings.
- Retirement plans: Giving to AMBS by naming AMBS as a beneficiary of your retirement plan can help you to avoid income and estate taxes.
- Farm commodities: Give gifts of grain, livestock, honey, etc. to receive a charitable income tax deduction, and deduct the cost of production of the donated commodities.
- IRA charitable rollovers: Make a donation directly from your IRA to support AMBS.
- Other options: Work with your financial advisor and/or attorney to designate AMBS as a recipient of your life insurance policies, gift annuities, charitable remainder unitrusts and charitable lead trusts.