Institute of Mennonite Studies

The Institute of Mennonite Studies is AMBS’s primary avenue for research, conversation, and publication on topics vital to Mennonite and Anabaptist traditions, and of interest to the broader church. Founded in 1958, the Institute of Mennonite Studies at AMBS is one of North America’s longest-running seminary-based publishers.

IMS fosters scholarship for the church with research and writing that serve the church’s perennial need for bold and rigorous reflection on Scripture, theology, history, and mission. Our faculty, staff, and students are committed to producing scholarship that not only furthers discussions within academia but also edifies the church and advances God’s reconciling mission in the world.

Vision: A Journal for Church and Theology

Vision: A Journal for Church and Theology is published twice a year to encourage theological reflection on the identity, mission and practices of the church from an Anabaptist-Mennonite perspective.

Anabaptist Witness

Anabaptist Witness is a global Anabaptist and Mennonite dialogue on key issues facing the church in mission. The journal is published twice annually by AMBS, Mennonite Central Committee (USA and Canada), Mennonite Church Canada, and Mennonite Mission Network.

Take Our Moments and Our Days: An Anabaptist Prayer Book

Take Our Moments and Our Days: An Anabaptist Prayer Book is a collection of daily prayers with distinctive Anabaptist flavor evident through the predominance of Jesus’ voice, the space for communal reflection on scripture, and the specific choices of Bible readings. We offer these services in the hope that you will find in them a way of prayer through which the voice of Jesus will pervade your whole day. 

Celebrating AMBS and IMS publications

For near four decades, IMS has annually celebrated publications of AMBS faculty, staff, and students, as well as IMS-supported publications, including publications in each of the institute’s major series, Classics of the Radical Reformation series, Intercultural Biblical Hermeneutics Series, Occasional Papers, Studies in Anabaptist Theology and Ethics, Studies in Peace and Scripture series, and the Text Reader series.

IMS maintains a subscribers list, to whom announcements of publications and coming events are sent. Those who request standing order status receive a 20% discount. Email us for more details or see our annual publication Celebration for a list of our most recent offerings.

Scribes for the Reign of God faculty project

Scribes for the Reign of God is an annual project in which faculty participate in sustained conversation among selected scholars working on a particular topic. The 2020–21 collaborators were Malinda Berry, Rachel Miller Jacobs, and Jamie Pitts, along with guest Scribes , and from Goshen College. Their subject was Anabaptism and creation care.

Studies in Anabaptist Theology and Ethics book series

The Institute of Mennonite Studies partners with historic publisher T&T Clark for the book series Studies in Anabaptist Theology and Ethics. The series is dedicated to displaying the vibrant global resurgence of theological reflection and praxis in and adjacent to the Anabaptist tradition.

Anabaptist Mennonite Scholars Network

The Anabaptist Mennonite Scholars Network (AMSN) seeks to foster cross-disciplinary connections among Anabaptist scholars and scholars studying Anabaptists. The AMSN hosts occasional networking gatherings and curates a list of calls for papers, conferences, journals, job openings, grants, and other information relevant to Anabaptist Mennonite scholarship. Click here to read the list and submit your updates.

Mennonite Scholars and Friends

Institute of Mennonite Studies (IMS) coordinates the Mennonite Scholars and Friends (MSF) events at the American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature (AAR/SBL), which meets every November. Click here to learn more about past and future events.

Meet the people of IMS

Headshot of Jamie Pitts, PhD
Jamie Pitts, PhD
Jackie Wyse-Rhodes
Jackie Wyse-Rhodes, PhD

Support IMS

IMS’s work is financed by grants from foundations and church agencies, individual contributions, royalty payments from publications and a portion of the AMBS budget. To contribute, use our online giving form and designate your gift to “Institute of Mennonite Studies.”

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