What is intercultural competence?

A working definition of intercultural competence

With a broad question such as, “What is intercultural competence?,” one place to start is by forming a working definition.

At AMBS, our Intercultural Competence and Undoing Racism staff defines intercultural competence as the ability to positively engage patterns of difference and commonality in values, beliefs and practice both within one’s cultural groups and across cultural groups.

This competency is achieved through a developmental process of increasing “cultural self-awareness, understanding the experiences of diverse communities, and the capability to adapt one’s mindset and behavior to bridge across differences” (Mitchell R. Hammer).

Ready to read a bit more?

AMBS librarians, in collaboration with ICUR staff, have organized a collection of materials on intercultural competence, undoing racism, intersectionality and other related topics. These resources support the seminary’s vision and strategic priorities.

Additionally, a past issue of Vision: A Journal for Church and Theology, explores ways to think about intercultural competence in the church. From the main editorial: “In every generation the church negotiates the struggle to embody unity of the Spirit while also embracing the diversity that comes with seeking to live out the fullness of the gospel.” .

Prefer a video about intercultural competence?

Nekeisha Alayna Alexis, Intercultural Competence and Undoing Racism coordinator, describes her work at AMBS and how she leads the ongoing work of AMBS’s strategic priority of undoing racism and building intercultural competence throughout the institution. As an independent scholar focused on issues of human and other animal oppression, Alexis also writes and speaks extensively in the areas of Christian theology and ethics, critical animal studies and related issues.

Invite someone to speak

Want to invite a speaker to help your congregation or organization engage the topic of intercultural competence? Invite AMBS offers a unique opportunity to invite the faculty and staff of AMBS to come directly to you. Our speakers and consultants can lead workshops, speak to Sunday school classes, preach, lead retreats or provide training sessions for your organization.

Develop relationships of support

Are you a pastor looking to build relationships and gain support from others who are also navigating ministry challenges? Consider joining a Ministry Reflection Circle and developing intercultural goals to help you gain the needed insights and skills to navigate in your particular setting. 

Building skills

At AMBS, our academic programs build skills for spiritual growth, intercultural competence, contextual analysis and interpretation, leadership practice, and peacebuilding. 

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Meet the AMBS Admissions Team

From your first inquiry about seminary study to your transition from applicant to student, we’re here to help you.

Headshot of Mary Ann Weber, MA
Mary Ann Weber, MA
Director of Enrollment
Headshot of Janeen Bertsche Johnson, MDiv
Janeen Bertsche Johnson, MDiv
Admissions Counselor
Paul Keim, PhD
Paul Keim, PhD
Student Services Coordinator
Joe Liechty
Joe Liechty, PhD
Student Services Associate
Teresa Thompson Sherrill, Financial Aid Manager and Enrollment Coordinator
Teresa Thompson Sherrill, MDiv
Financial Aid Manager and Enrollment Coordinator