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Recent news from AMBS
Hands-on learning forges new skills
Graduate students Abenezer Dejene, Sue Short (MDiv 2024) and Stephen Lowe reflect on their internship experiences.
Church leaders’ conference to focus on “Anabaptism at 500: Looking Back, Living Forward”
Participants at Pastors & Leaders 2025 will commemorate the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Anabaptist faith during the Feb. 17–20 conference at AMBS.
Thank you to our board members!
The AMBS Board of Directors includes representatives from the seminary’s sponsoring denominations, Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite Church USA, as well as from other AMBS constituencies.
Cross-cultural experiences shape faculty members’ teaching
With 18 countries represented in AMBS’s learning community, both students and faculty members can grow through collaborative cross-cultural learning processes. Here, four faculty members share about cross-cultural experiences that have shaped how they prepare leaders for ministry and service across the world.
Continue reading Cross-cultural experiences shape faculty members’ teaching
Anabaptist seminary and Tolson Center to collaborate on MLK Jr. Day event
“Art for a Change! A Celebration of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Day” will be held Monday, Jan. 20, 2025, 1:30–4:30 p.m. ET, at the Tolson Center at 1320 Benham Avenue, Elkhart, Indiana.
Continue reading Anabaptist seminary and Tolson Center to collaborate on MLK Jr. Day event
AMBS and Mennonite Action to offer free weekly online colloquium series on peace theology in action
Titled “Peace Theology in Movement,” the series will be held via Zoom on Wednesdays, Jan. 15 – April 30, 2025, 12–1 p.m. ET.
Read the most recent issue of AMBS Window
AMBS Window is published two times a year (beginning with the Winter 2020 issue). It is sent to alumni and friends of AMBS and is included in the print editions of and .
Monthly Bulletin Announcements
AMBS’s monthly Bulletin Announcements for congregations and other organizations are available here as Word documents for anyone who would prefer to copy and paste them from Microsoft Word. (We understand that the formatting of the emailed announcements can cause issues when the blurbs are copied and pasted into Word documents.)
If you would like to sign up to receive emailed Bulletin Announcements, use this form.
Clicking the “Word version” links below will prompt the file to download to your computer or device:
February 2025: Word version |
Jan. 12–26, 2025: Word version |
December 2024 – Jan. 5, 2025: Word version |
November 2024: Word version |
October 2024: Word version |
September 2024: Word version | |
Coming Up flyer: Degree and nondegree offerings
This flyer, produced three times a year, contains information about AMBS’s upcoming degree and nondegree offerings.
- Coming Up flyer for Spring 2025: U.S. version | Canadian version