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Read the most recent issue of AMBS Window

AMBS Window is published two times a year (beginning with the Winter 2020 issue). It is sent to alumni and friends of AMBS and is included in the print editions of and .

Monthly Bulletin Announcements

AMBS’s monthly Bulletin Announcements for congregations and other organizations are available here as Word documents for anyone who would prefer to copy and paste them from Microsoft Word. (We understand that the formatting of the emailed announcements can cause issues when the blurbs are copied and pasted into Word documents.)

If you would like to sign up to receive emailed Bulletin Announcements, use this form.

Clicking the “Word version” links below will prompt the file to download to your computer or device:

February 2025: Word version |

Jan. 12–26, 2025: Word version |

December 2024 – Jan. 5, 2025: Word version |

November 2024: Word version |

October 2024: Word version |

September 2024: Word version | |

Coming Up flyer: Degree and nondegree offerings

This flyer, produced three times a year, contains information about AMBS’s upcoming degree and nondegree offerings.

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