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#ShapingFaith2020 | Opening worship and plenary session | Malinda Elizabeth Berry

#ShapingFaith2020 | Thursday plenary session | David Cramer

#ShapingFaith2020 | Tuesday evening plenary session | Karen-Marie Yust

#ShapingFaith2020 | Tuesday morning plenary session | Karen-Marie Yust

#ShapingFaith2020 | Wednesday morning worship | Osheta Moore

#ShapingFaith2020 | Wednesday plenary session | Andy Brubacher Kaethler

Political Idolatry webinar cover cover slide

30-minute group study video: Discuss political idolatry

A Disciple’s Christology: Appraisals of Kraus’s Jesus Christ Our Lord

A History of Mennonite Youth Ministry 1885–2005

According to the Grace Given to Her: The Ministry of Emma Sommers Richards

Alternative Models of Mennonite Pastoral Formation

AMBS Alumni Third Thursdays | Beverly Lapp, EdD

AMBS Alumni Third Thursdays | David Boshart, PhD

AMBS Alumni Third Thursdays | Drew Strait, PhD

AMBS Alumni Third Thursdays | Jamie Pitts, PhD

AMBS Alumni Third Thursdays | Janna Hunter-Bowman, PhD

AMBS Alumni Third Thursdays | Leah Thomas, PhD

AMBS Alumni Third Thursdays | Nekeisha Alayna Alexis, MATS

An Increase in Time: Story Lines of Germantown Mennonite Church and Its Historic Trust, 1683–2005

Anabaptist Witness Dialogues | Anneli Loepp Thiessen and Katie Graber

Anabaptist Witness Dialogues | Ched Myers and Elaine Enns

Anabaptist Witness Dialogues | Luis Acosta y Linda Shelly

Anabaptist Witness Dialogues | Randy Woodley and Randy Haluza-DeLay

Anabaptist-Mennonite Identities in Ferment

Apocalyptic Imagination: Christ Our Hope in the Present Tense – Drew Strait | Pastors & Leaders 2021: Thriving Together

Author conversations | Tongue-Tied: Learning the Lost Art of Talking about Faith | Sara Wenger Shenk

Author conversations | What’s God’s Mission in the World & How Do We Join It? | Juan Francisco Martínez and Jamie Pitts

By Faith They Went Out: Mennonite Missions 1850-1999

Classics of the Radical Reformation series

Dare to Dream – Cynthia L. Hale, D.Min. | Pastors & Leaders 2021: Thriving Together

Dare to Hope – Cynthia L. Hale, D.Min. | Pastors & Leaders 2021: Thriving Together

Dialogue Sequel to Jurgen Moltmann’s Following Jesus Christ in the World Today

Dutch Mennonite Mission in Indonesia: Historical Essays

Education for Peoplehood: Essays on the Teaching Ministry of the Church

Engaging Pastors: Papers and Reflections from the Summative Conference December 1–3, 2009

Equipping students to serve wherever God may call

Essays on Peace Theology and Witness

Essays on Spiritual Bondage and Deliverance

Essays on War and Peace: Bible and Early Church

Even the Demons Submit: Continuing Jesus’ Ministry of Deliverance

From Adequate Biblical Interpretation to Transformative Intercultural Hermeneutics: Chronicling a Personal Journey

Book cover of Hardship, Resistance, Collaboration

Hardship, Resistance, Collaboration: Essays on Dutch Mennonites during World War II and Its Aftermath

In Celebration of Wisdom: Life and Meaning in Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes

Intercultural Biblical Hermeneutics Series

Intercultural Reading of John 10:1–21: The Shepherd-Sheep Metaphor as a Leadership-Followership Model

Mediation in Pastoral Care

Mennonite Peace Theology: A Panorama of Types

Mennonite Perspectives on Pastoral Counseling

Mission from the Margins: Selected Writings from the Life and Ministry of David A. Shank

Mourning Our Losses Together During COVID-19: The Good News of Biblical Lament

New book releases

Not Just Disciples, but Disciple Makers – Marvin Lorenzana, D.Min. | Pastors & Leaders 2021: Thriving Together

Occasional Papers series

One Lord, One Church, One Hope, and One God: Mennonite Confessions of Faith

Opening the Bible: Essays by Howard H. Charles

Other books

Peace Theology and Violence Against Women

Peaceful at Heart: Anabaptist Reflections on Healthy Masculinity

Perspectives on Feminist Hermeneutics

Perspectives on the Nurturing of Faith

Proclaiming the Good News

Proclaiming the Good News: Mennonite Women’s Voices, 1972–2006

Recollections of a Sectarian Realist: A Mennonite Life in the Twentieth Century

Reformers, Radicals, Revolutionaries: Anabaptism in the Context of the Reformation Conflict

Book cover, spine and back for Resistance

Resistance: Confronting Violence, Power, and Abuse within Peace Churches

Rooted and Grounded: Essays on Land and Christian Discipleship

Satyagraha and Nonresistance: A Comparative Study of Gandhian and Mennonite Nonviolence

So Wide a Sea: Essays on Biblical and Systematic Theology

Studies in Anabaptist Theology and Ethics

Studies in Peace and Scripture series

Sustaining Healthy Community with Pan Dulce – James Nelson Gingerich, M.D. | Pastors & Leaders 2021: Thriving Together

Text Reader Series

The Bible and Law

The Heart of the Matter: Pastoral Ministry in Anabaptist Perspective

The Meaning of Peace: Biblical Studies, 2nd Ed.

The Pastor-People Partnership: The Call and Recall of Pastors from a Believers’ Church Perspective

The Promise of Hope: A Tribute to Dom Helder

The Way of Wisdom in Pastoral Counseling

The Widow and the Judge — Memory, Resistance and Hope: Intercultural Reading of Luke 18:1–8 in Latin American Contexts of Impunity

The Work Is Thine, O Christ

Theological Education on Five Continents: Anabaptist Perspectives

Understanding Ministerial Leadership: Essays Contributing to a Developing Theology of Ministry

Worship Materials for Congregations | Any time

Worship Materials for Congregations | April 11, 2021