
Transition to Leadership

Grow in your leadership as a new pastor and get the support you need as you transition into ministry.

Learn and grow in Transition to Leadership

  • Develop increased self-awareness, curiosity and intercultural competence
  • Build your community of mentors and friends in ministry
  • Experience the joy of the work of reconciliation
  • Find clarity about your pastoral role in your own context

The Transition to Leadership program guides new pastors during the crucial first years of ministry.

Through one-on-one mentoring, regular gatherings with peers, and learning sessions, new pastors find adequate structure and sufficient freedom to learn in ways suited to their unique settings and experiences. Pastors will develop personal progress goals to take personal responsibility for their growth and development in their particular contexts. Regular meetings of pastors will inspire commitment to the learning process and provide consistent, ongoing engagement.

One-on-one mentoring

As a novice pastor, you will be paired with an experienced pastoral mentor. If you have already been assigned a mentor by your conference, regional church or district, we will invite them to participate. If you do not have a formal mentor, we will invite a person whom you nominate to serve in that role. Your mentor can be someone from earlier life experiences, from current regional conference congregations or a retired leader.

You will meet once a month throughout the program, either in person or by videoconference. During regular mentoring times, you’ll discuss ministry formation challenges and opportunities in your ministry. You’ll also use this time to evaluate your progress on the goals you set and talk about any related continuing education events and readings you are engaged in.

In-person gathering

Each cohort begins with an in-person gathering, providing a time for community and conversation with other mentor-mentee pairs. At this gathering, you’ll join in worship and learning sessions and build relationships with others in your cohort. As mentor-mentee pairs, you’ll complete a learning covenant, set short- and long-term goals, identify the resources you need to achieve these goals and consider where you can find these resources.

Learning sessions

During the two-year program, you will join Learning Sessions with your cohort on important topics for new pastors. There will be several Learning Sessions at the first in-person gathering, then an additional six Learning Sessions on Zoom throughout the two-year program.

Topics may include:

  • Embracing Your Pastoral Identity
  • Setting Boundaries and Self-Care
  • Mistakes in Ministry – Mentor Panel
  • Beyond Assumptions: Choosing Curiosity for (More) Effective Ministry
  • Navigating Secondary Trauma
  • Money and Ministry
  • System Dynamics in the Congregation
  • Creating Safe Churches
  • Introduction to Intercultural Competence
  • Leading Change Processes
  • Power Dynamics within the Congregation
  • Intersectionality and Addressing Systemic Oppression
  • Women in Ministry

Check-in times

In the months when there are no Learning Sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to meet with program leaders for an hour on Zoom to receive support for specific ministry challenges you are facing.

In addition, BIPOC pastors, queer pastors and/or other pastors from marginalized groups will have the opportunity for additional support and time together to discuss the specific challenges you face in pastoring.

Additional benefits

Alongside your mentor, you’ll also receive training from program leaders. Every participant and mentor has the opportunity to take the Intercultural Development Inventory; during the program, you and your mentor will receive two free consultations with the program leaders who have expertise in pastoral leadership and intercultural competence.

In addition, you can take one free Practical Leadership Training module per year to receive support in a specific area not covered by the Learning Sessions, and you’ll receive a 50% discount on registration for AMBS’s annual Pastors & Leaders conference. At Pastors & Leaders, we’ll set aside a space for new pastors to connect with others in their cohort. Financial scholarships are available for the other half of the registration fee for those needing further assistance to attend.

Admission criteria

We are seeking applicants who are:

  • a pastor in a congregational setting
  • in the first four years of pastoral work
  • a resident of the U.S. or Canada, or an AMBS graduate


The next cohort will begin on May 8–10, 2025, with an in-person gathering on campus at AMBS in Elkhart, Indiana. Participants and their mentors are required to attend this event in person. In addition to the in-person event, you’ll meet monthly on Zoom for either Learning Sessions or check-in times with your cohort. You’ll also meet monthly with your mentor. 

The cost for the two-year program is $400. This cost covers participation for both the participant and the mentor and includes food and lodging at the in-person event. Participants and their mentors will pay for their transportation to the event, but travel costs will be submitted to a travel pool, where the costs will be split equally among the participants to provide equity for those having to travel farther. We encourage participants to work with their congregation and conference to help cover the registration fee and travel expenses.

Apply for Transition to Leadership

Applications are now open for our Spring 2025 cohort. The deadline to apply is April 9, 2025.

Email Julia Schmidt, Program Administrator, or call 574.296.6245.