
Our values

At 911±¬ÁÏÍø, we join in God’s shalom mission to renew and redeem the world.

  • Disciplined study of scripture, theology, and ministry
  • Practices of worship, community, and Christian discipleship
  • Effective and visionary leadership for the church
  • Anabaptist theology in conversation with the wider Christian church
  • Mission that integrates service, evangelism, and peacemaking

Anabaptist identity

We cultivate the following core values as a learning community and commit to deliberate practices which shape a Christ-centered faith. The integration of these values and practices marks us Anabaptist and guides our Christian formation. 

We value scholarship

We value disciplined study of Scripture, theology and ministry.

We practice immersing ourselves in biblical studies and recovering theology as the work of the people.

We value presence

We value embodied worship, community and Christian discipleship.

We practice worshipping God in community by joining together in praise, confession of faith and prayer.

We value leadership

We value effective and visionary leadership for the church.

We practice living as missional leaders committed to sharing the peace of Jesus Christ. 

We value Anabaptism

We value Anabaptist theology in conversation with the wider church.

We practice forming communities of shalom by embodying the saving reign of God, being the visible body of Christ, and practicing Spirit-led engagement with the world. We practice witnessing to the reconciling power of the Spirit by communicating with respect and confidence in cross-cultural, inter-racial and inter-religious contexts.

We value relationships

We value mission that integrates service, evangelism and peacemaking.

We practice nurturing relationships of integrity by being honest and accountable with our longings, failures, joys and successes in spiritual friendships.

Our prayer

Trustworthy God, you have called AMBS into being, sustained us through the years, and prepared a future for us.

By your Spirit’s transforming power reshape us as a learning community welcoming Christians of all tribes, tongues, people and nations to engage in Anabaptist theological education, so that we may more fully reflect your purpose to reconcile all things in Christ. Amen.

Intercultural Competence and Undoing Racism

The Intercultural Competence and Undoing Racism (ICUR) Team consists of faculty, administrators, staff, and students who assist AMBS with its strategic priority of undoing racism and building intercultural competence throughout the institution.

ICUR’s approach is both interpersonal and systemic in nature, advocating for changes in policies and practices and helping people become effective allies for justice and compassionate agents of reconciliation across dividing walls of hostility. 

Learn more about ICUR work at AMBS.

Commitments and policies

In addition to our statement of Expectations for our Work and Life Together, we are guided by a variety of commitments and policies. It is our vision to make theological education accessible to diverse Christians to reflect more fully God’s purposes of justice and reconciliation. Learn more about diversity at AMBS.

Who (and what) makes us unique?

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