

We invite you!

Many friends and congregations support AMBS in preparing people for ministry by volunteering their time. You can join in this partnership to help further the mission of AMBS.

We’re flexible 

We welcome volunteers to join however it fits into your schedule. Use your gifts for several weeks or months at a time or help out for a few days a year. You can also volunteer weekly, monthly or on an on-call basis.

Use your skills and interests

Everyone has skills to offer! AMBS volunteers perform a wide variety of tasks:

  • Prepare and organize mailings or photocopy and scan office materials
  • Work on carpentry, woodworking or painting projects
  • Weed flower beds, water plants and trim trees
  • Provide transportation for students and other campus visitors
  • Care for dining room table linens and fabrics used in worship décor
  • Decorate for special occasions

Participate in our campus community

While volunteering at AMBS you learn to know faculty, students and staff. If you’re interested, you may join in chapel services and other campus events.

Ready to volunteer?

Individuals and groups are welcome. Individuals can volunteer on their own or with another volunteer.

Complete the volunteer application!

Questions? Contact the volunteer coordinators

Call: 574.296.6234 Email: volunteercoordinator@ambs.edu

The AMBS volunteer program is coordinated by the Church Leadership Center.